IELTS: Who Should do and Who Shouldn’t

IELTS is the hottest trend among Indians, especially Punjabi youth, who migrate overseas for their bright future. Every year, hundreds of thousands of Punjabi youngsters attempt the IELTS exam, especially to secure a study visa for Canada—as it’s the topmost priority of Punjab residents due to its immigrant-friendly status and better lifestyle. 

However, IELTS is not for everyone. The passing ratio is very low, being it an English exam. Many students try to attempt it before giving it a second thought. After wasting months or years, they give up and find other means to immigrate through marriage or family sponsorship.

As one of the most trusted IELTS institutes in Ludhiana, Punjab, we have helped countless students score their desired band on their first attempt. We have noticed a pattern that we thought we would discuss here. 

Let’s discuss who should do IELTS followed by who shouldn’t:

You should do IELTS if

Willing to Study

Like all other exams, IELTS requires your time and determination. It’s commonly seen that most students lose interest in IELTS after a while of their course commencement. Most complain about the nature of the module and find it boring to do after a few weeks. That’s understandable. Humans are designed to get bored easily. It is boring if you do the same thing repeatedly without allowing creativity in your daily routine and without working on your strategies.

Instead of parroting the exam, do it systematically. A good teacher will never consider the old used-up technique (doing modules regularly until you are not fed up) to mint money. He/she works with the student and prepares the strategies for the desired results.

Most students, especially those with poor English backgrounds, believe they will score well in the exam if they join an academy. This is a good step, but a teacher must understand this exam’s insights.


If you are unwilling to put in extra effort and do not do self-study at home and evaluate your performance, then IELTS becomes a nightmare.

Finding the right teacher and IELTS institute is the first step toward finding success in the IELTS exam.

Work on Weakness –

Many students believe that doing IELTS modules daily will give them the right IELTS band score. They couldn’t be more wrong than this. Doing IELTS modules daily only prepares you for the exam criteria; it doesn’t prepare you for THE exam. Only when you are good at English is this technique the best way to beef up your confidence and clothe yourself in an IELTS-related mindset for a good IELTS exam attempt?

I have seen and worked with many students who didn’t know their weaknesses. Before coming to Voxcel, they hopped from one place to another, hoping to score the required band. They never bothered to think about what was stopping them from producing the desired IELTS result for their Canada Study Visa or their study Visa abroad dream.

The best way to improve performance is to track down weaknesses and hammer those areas needing attention. This way, students learn what works in IELTS and always give up the old orthodox mindset to clear the exam.

I have seen many students make mistakes in Simple Present Tense in their Writing and Speaking modules. This error is found throughout their two modules, and their scores are acceptable. I create techniques around those areas, according to the student’s capability and mindset, and cover those weaknesses for a better result. 

Patience –

Now, this is where most students and their parents lose. Most students doing IELTS have no patience and are constantly pressured by their peers and the old-aged people in their neighbourhood. They consider IELTS a childish exam and believe it is a course that lasts for a few months. It is easier said than done for them.

IELTS doesn’t come with a time period tag. It’s all about your performance. Most students, especially those from rural areas or students with poor English backgrounds, don’t want to accept the fact. Even many students from CBSE or ICSE boards struggle to clear IELTS in a few attempts.

Then there are those students who hardly study for it and still score great band scores. Do you have the pattern in all of this? It’s about English understanding, as IELTS is all about your English communication exam and is designed to test your English proficiency on 4 parameters: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking.

Despite coming so far, I have met many students who start losing their nerves after a few months and fail their exams, only to be hit in the face with the reality (low band score). If you are not performing well in the Cambridge modules at the academy, chances are you will not do well on the exam, too. The exam pattern will be the same as the books, so don’t rush. You won’t do well magically.

Some students understand, listen to the teacher, and wonder. Some give deaf ears and fall blatantly. It’s a sad, ongoing situation.

If you are weak in English and unable to perform well in the academy or are improving, don’t rush. Canada, Australia or any of your dream countries is not going anywhere. They are not going to close the doors. Instead, your focus should be on having good scores and a great command of the English language so you can do outrageously well in an English-speaking country and use English as the ladder to success.

You shouldn’t do IELTS if …. Reverse the above points, and there’s your answer.

Do you have any problems with IELTS and cannot clear it even after working very hard? Voxcel Group is considered by many to be the best IELTS institute in Punjab. We offer online and offline classes and produce the best results quickly. 

To help you succeed in the IELTS exam, we have developed a space for doing all the Cambridge IELTS modules without cost. Click here to assess them.