IELTS Listening Transcripts: Boost Your Score to Band 9

Many students repetitively take the IELTS exam when they fail to score at least CLB 9 (Canadian Language Benchmark) for their Permanent Residency or to secure a seat in a reputed university. They keep doing modules repeatedly one after another and never reassess the old modules.

Cambridge University has already worked on it and they have given transcripts of every listening module in their book for the assessment. Sometimes, ESL (English as Second Language) students are not trained with different dialects and accents so they become confused in the chunking and intonation and the stresses on particular words. 

After you have done the IELTS listening module from a Cambridge book, consider re-listening to the audio with the transcript and write down all your answers beforehand. Yes, even the wrong ones. Just focus on the content and the audio. You will see what was said and what you heard. It will train your mind about the differences and you will be a better listener with time. 

Listening is a skill which most people ignore. They think the Listening module is easy beezy and they do not need to practice it at all. However, the reality is far different than their procrastination. 

The West thinks differently and works on actual skills that matter. Cambridge University, which is more than 1000 years old university and one of the greatest universities in existence also knows it very well. 

A child learns the grammar and words only by listening. That’s the power of listening and if you are a good listener, the sky is the limit. We often miss many golden opportunities because we were not listening to their arrival in our lives.

Thus, if you want to score a perfect band 9 in the IELTS listening module, work on transcripts. They are goldmine which most test takers ignore and end up repeating the exam multiple times. 
CLB Chart

IELTS Listening Chart that tells the difference.

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