Born on 30 July 1863 in Greenfield Township, Michigan, Henry Ford created Ford Motors, one of the world’s most valuable car manufacturing brands, making him one of the world’s richest and most recognized business moguls. Ford’s story is filled with ebb and flow. It was not easy for him to achieve the feat that would continue his legacy today, making him a celebrated business magnet globally.
“That man is best educated who knows the greatest number of things that are so, and who can do the greatest number of things to help and heal the world.”
Henry became an engineer when he worked for Edison Illuminating Company in 1891. His great work promoted him to Chief Engineer in 1893. Soon after, around the same time, he started trying his hand at gasoline engines.
When Ford was 35, he designed and made a self-propelled motor vehicle that he displayed to the public. In the process, he attracted the attention of William H. Murphy, a lumber baron from Detroit.
A year later, in 1899, Ford opened a company called Detroit Automobile Company due to the funding. The good days were numbered for Ford and his aspirations. In 1901, the company was shut down due to the inaccuracy of paying back the loan and the poor design of the vehicle, which produced undesirable results. It was a stealthy blow to Ford and his aspirations.
“Any man can learn anything he will, but no man can teach except to those who want to learn.”
But Ford, being Ford, never called it quits. He had 100% trust in his vision and abilities. He negotiated with one of his partners and placated him to give him another chance. Finally, with great pressure from all around, it was finalized that Ford would resume his work. Soon after, the disagreements grew, and the venture flopped, leaving Ford nowhere to go again, returning him to the starting point.
When Ford turned 40, he decided to give one final shit before calling it the end of his dreams. It wasn’t easy for him to start a company after two separate failures that took their toll on him mentally and emotionally. Finally, he incorporated Ford Motor Company and even found a backer, Malcolmson, a Scottish immigrant, on the terms that he would never meddle in the business and let him handle the reigns. The backer agreed to the terms and trusted Ford’s vision.
Click here to check the timeline of Ford Cars’ evolution.

“We are entering an era when we shall create resources which shall be so constantly renewed that the only loss will be not to use them. There will be such a plenteous supply of heat, light and power, that it will be a sin not to use all we want. This era is coming now. And it is coming by way of Water”
Afterwards, what happened became a success story read by MBAs and wannabe entrepreneurs. Ford Motors has become synonymous with the automobile sector. Ford was the first to design a car that any family could afford. Through his efforts, the US economy soared, with cars everywhere and a great amount of cash flowing into the market, thus resulting in a great number of opportunities for other businesses to exist and thrive.
There are so many fake quotes about Henry Ford that he never said. Hence, don’t believe everything you read on the internet. Click here to access the real quotes with citations by the Henry Ford Team.
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