Famous Failure – Fred Astaire

Born on 10 May 1899 in Omaha, Nebraska, United States, Fred Astaire is probably one of the most influential personalities to grace the show business. He is considered the most competent dancer in film entertainment history, and no one comes close to him. His journey had its ups and downs, making Fred what we know of him today.

In 1905, when Fred was 6, he relocated to New York City so he and his sister could focus on their musical and dancing education.

Some people seem to think that good dancers are born, but all the good dancers I have known are taught or trained.

Both performed together in some acts on Broadway Circuit and in London while touring. This allowed Fred to shine, brother, and polish his talent, which could be seen in the darkest times.

1932 was the year when life started for him; the duo split when his sister married. It didn’t stop Fred from continuing with his career; however, later on, he was rejected in a Hollywood movie screen test with the words “Can’t act. Slightly bald. Dances a little,”

It disappointed him, but it didn’t stop his juggernaut. He kept pushing through and appeared in 31 musicals with a career span of 76 mind-blogging years in the film industry.

“The history of dance on film begins with Astaire.” – Gene Kelly

Life is also a stage; we all dance to the tunes of our choices and mindsets. To achieve something, it is necessary to dust off our clothes and keep moving forward. No matter if you encounter various problems and have to go through many turbulences, in the end, they all will be worth it.

Instead of giving up, learn to adjust your steps with the tune, learn the form of dancing and make your act of life, which people would listen to happily.

If we followed our own advice, we’d be successful.

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