Hardships teach us many lessons that transform us, and we will see many changes in our personalities and perspectives.
People will have a different outlook on the world, and their outlook will change depending on the circumstances. Many are scared when hardships come knocking on their door. Some rise like a phoenix bird from ashes, while some give up even though they have everything in their arsenal.
Nothing remains the same. Life is a constant change.
The crisis has taught us many things, which will form the new world if people keep these in mind.
Nothing is too small-
Coronavirus taught us that in a fantastic way. It is a microorganism that is invisible to the naked eye. Yet, it put the world on lockdown, forced people to distance themselves for their safety and the greater good socially, and caused the economies to crumble, causing millions of people to go bankrupt. The virus has taught us that nothing is too small to make an impact. You are IMPORTANT.
If you are from a low-income family or have no godfather, don’t feel the battle is lost. Any slight change in life can make you big in the world. Isaac Newton, one of the most outstanding scientists, changed the course of the world’s history when an apple fell on him under a tree. It was a minor incident, but look where we are. Also, pandemics during the previous few centuries have almost wiped out the whole human race, and no one can do anything.
Believe in yourself and keep working on your dreams. Never doubt your abilities, and keep chanting this mantra: “I am big to make a difference, and I will.”
- Medical –
Sickness can cost us everything, and sometimes, we feel we are better off dead than living with such substantial medical bills. Not everyone meets Dr. Howard Kelly in life. Countries whose medical care is below standard should focus on improving it.
All people, regardless of their financial status, deserve universal medical care as per the UK standard, and the number of beds per 1000 people should be increased because any time, anyone virus can come and cripple humanity. The lessons should also tell the people what to expect from their leaders during elections and vote according to the development.
Even the mightiest country, the USA, has a long way to go. In most countries, you are only a sickness away from going bankrupt. That’s such a powerful lobby of pharmaceutical companies. Be healthy!
Politicians worldwide speak about universal medical care but don’t turn their words into action. It’s always yada-yada! Always work on your health. Track your calories. Eat everything in proportion and enjoy the different dishes and cuisines. Don’t listen to fearmongers about food. Always verify the medical journals about any such fearmongering news before fretting. We have a life to live. Live it! Eat the foods you want but in proportion.
“Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.” – Arnold Schwarzenegger
- Humanity –
Humans often feed their insatiable egos with malicious lies and arrogance, yet we have kneeled to a micro-microorganism that has not happened for the first time. Throughout history, many pandemics and epidemics have shown humans that they are not the highest authority and that unimaginable things can wipe them out.
Humans have been at war for centuries, and the world has not seen peace for an unimaginable time.
We often waste our lives collecting and consuming materialistic things like there’s no tomorrow. During the rat race, we forget to reflect on our core ethics and values; even worse, we fail to enjoy life. I remember many of the rich died during the coronavirus without enjoying their riches. All their hard-earned money was passed to their children. A life lost for cash that couldn’t enjoy the life.
- Materialism–
Even the wealthiest and most elite people, who could buy anything at their disposal, were hidden in their caves. But, SARS-CoV-2 didn’t differentiate between rich and poor, and it killed equally. Similarly, any natural occurrence would do so without discrimination. Similarly, the sun treats all equally.
People should learn to develop critical thinking before wasting resources. They should also probably think of the less fortunate who have struggled. Millions struggle to arrange meals without a job or money, and many suffer financial losses. We are all in this together.
The best way to enjoy life is not to accumulate more but to reflect on the little things in life because we all are temporary travellers on Earth, and no one knows when the journey will end. Hence, instead of worrying about what you don’t have, what brand you want to buy, or what car you want to drive, be thankful for the life you have. The Nasadiya Sukta helps you reflect on life.
Nasadiya Sukta (Hymn of non-Eternity, origin of universe):
There was neither non-existence nor existence then;
Neither the realm of space, nor the sky which is beyond;
What stirred? Where? In whose protection?There was neither death nor immortality then;
No distinguishing sign of night nor of day;
That One breathed, windless, by its own impulse;
Other than that there was nothing beyond.Darkness there was at first, by darkness hidden;
Without distinctive marks, this all was water;
That which, becoming, by the void was covered;
That One by force of heat came into being;Who really knows? Who will here proclaim it?
Whence was it produced? Whence is this creation?
Gods came afterwards, with the creation of this universe.
Who then knows whence it has arisen?Whether God’s will created it, or whether He was mute;
Perhaps it formed itself, or perhaps it did not;
The Supreme Brahman of the world, all pervasive and all-knowing
He indeed knows, if not, no one knows—Rigveda 10.129
- Family and Friends –
After all the chaos in life, people look for the real things. During those hardships, people understood the value of families forgotten in a fast-paced life. Only the love for the families strengthens the bond, and they are the only ones who are beside us when we are on our deathbeds. A few have their friends, too, but most don’t. It’s okay! They have a life and family, too.
Thus, when you are on your deathbed, nothing will help you to ease your pain as much as seeing your loved ones surround your presence. Nothing will pain you more when life flashes itself back in front of your eyes, and you find out you have missed every chance to celebrate life with your friends and family. Keep them close to your heart. Life is all about the moment we are given now. Tomorrow is never promised.
When my student passes their IELTS exam, I tell them to spend their time as much as with their parents because they might never get a lot of time to stay together with them.
- Dream –
Now, dreams are good to see, but overwhelming yourself with the goals you have not only invites various health issues but also takes you to a depressed world. Don’t let that happen. Be sane and always think of your time. This will keep you grounded, and you might set realistic targets to give you a sense of fulfilment.
I am not saying I don’t dream. I am saying dream, but don’t fret if you remain short of your target. The journey matters, not the destination. Easier said than done, I know, I know. The time shows us who the real boss is and where humankind was during the Covid-19/Novel Coronavirus pandemic.
I, too, see a dream with my open eyes, but I also keep a reality check. This keeps me grounded, and I find happiness in little things. I often say the same thing to my IELTS students in IELTS classes in Ludhiana at Voxcel Group.
- Humble –
We saw an unusual shift in the world due to the coronavirus outbreak. People with political differences came together in this fight against the invisible enemy, the Covid-19 virus. This has taught us that we are all one on the planet Earth, and our existence matters only when we live in harmony and brotherhood. No doubt, some evil hooligans disrupt society and create nuances, but some lead the world despite people throwing stones at them.
Thankfully, the chain reaction of oneness is still ongoing.
Many responsible people with golden hearts give rations and other necessary items to needy ones and to those who live paycheck to paycheck. This makes this planet better for the upcoming generations and become their heroes in real life.
- Collaboration –
During the coronavirus crisis, people and governments learned the vital lesson of collaboration in a very hard way. Had we done it earlier, the scenario would have been different today. Many governments encouraged people to stay indoors. Some countries imposed curfews or martial law, yet people came out of their homes and made silly excuses for police officials.
Those people had no idea how fatal this thing could be. If infecting one person, one person can make a chain, which can cause a massive disruption in the world.
Italy’s crisis started when only two Chinese tourists were touring the country. The rest is history. People should listen to their governments, put aside their political and personal differences, and work for the greater good of humanity.
Governments are corrupt, but the blame does not always fall on them. We must take responsibility, too. Only then can we see changes in societies.
- Companies –
Many companies showed true colours and did massive layoffs to save some extra bucks during the lockdown. Some came forward to help their staff and held them tight with them. The future will be bright for those companies. People have seen the depth of human greed and the extent to which one can stoop so low.
Even now, many companies lay off employees and do anything to save money. When business is down due to a bad market, many SMEs don’t pay their salaries. This is a bad practice.
Companies usually have funds and should back their employees financially during challenging financial crises. The sun sets on companies that dust off their responsibilities and shine on those who actively help the workers. Any company is made of workers; if you take good care of them, they will do the same.
“Love your job but don’t love your company because you may not know when your company stops loving you”.
- Heroes –
At some point in life, when people face hardships, they come to know who the real heroes are. The medical staff saves people who go through terminal illnesses after long battles without caring about their lives; for them, such hardworking people are heroes. For some, a friend he thought useless becomes the beacon of light.
Police and defence personnel patrol the cities and our borders around the clock and take every measure to keep us safe. It’s not easy to be a policeman who has to be there 24X7 during any crisis.
Doctors, Police, Army, etc., are the real heroes. They deserve the respect we give to our favourite celebrities. Next time you cross paths with any doctor or personnel, thank them in your heart.
Note—To improve students’ reading habits, we have uploaded entertaining yet moral-based short stories, including famous failures, that will help you improve your IELTS reading skills and grow your personality, and you may become more successful in foreign lands. You can read them here.

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